Sunday, April 28, 2013


Now, I practically have only a few best friends that can be counted by fingerss. I had lost too many people that I love. I think this is a messenger from Allah for me to meet this lovely Pingu during my sad days. 

"Dear Aiman, if so happen you were to read this I would like to take this opportunity to say I really miss you and us. I am sorry for everything I did, I realized my mistakes. I need you, you are my strength and everything to me after my family. I want to story about so many things to you, imagine how much updates I wanted to tell you? I want you to meet my Pingu too and I feel you would let me be friends with him like what I am doing now. I wish you were here."

Back to my Pingu, about how we know each other and get close is just like other ordinary stories of people. We make friends, start chatting, exchange numbers, start meeting up, starting getting close and etc. He is just so realistic, correcting my imagination everytime LOL. So wise of him that he always make me think twice before doing anything. I am so comfortable with him, super good friend. He taught me how to live life in modesty, macam Sifu lah pula kan dia? A very positive person that always make me feel like asking him "Tak penat ke semua pun terima?" hehe =)

Surprisingly, I get good vibes from the people surrounding. The acceptance is different than before. Not bad because normally what I do or who I am being friends with will be opposed. It's a nice feeling though that finally what you are doing is kind of being blessed, can I put it that way? Then this strike an idea in my mind but I think I shall keep that in heart, time to blog in the heart hahaha. Ask me if you want to know the deeper secret *winks*

Want to see my Pingu? He made me smile when I don't really feel like smiling at all. Thank you for your presence, I love you Pingu lalala~

Oh yea, he asked me to perm my hair and here is the result. K-pop mode tadaa...

Perasan Korea sikit hahaha

 Mesti kena perli kalau muncooonggg!

On my farewell day

It so happen I always dream that you will be taken away from me. Please don't ask silly questions anymore especially "Macam mana kalau I tak ada?" I would say my heart will stop beating without you. Honestly!


  1. klu i tak ada.. sentiasa lah berdoa supaya sahabat anda sentiasa dalam kedaan yang baik.. insyallah kita akan di jauhkan dari ape yang yang kita fikir sesuatu yang luar dari ape yang kita tak nak dan supaya kita dapat mencari kehidupan kita yang harapkan selama.. thank you my DOCTOR for the best "Karangan" about me and "Never say NO to PaNDa".. make sure u don't "moncong".. bcoz u know what can i said if u do that thing.. hehehe.....*wink2*

  2. Aamin, semoga kita dpt apa yg kita hrpkn =)
    Jgn ckp camtu, u akn sentiasa ada utk i insyaAllah dgn izin Allah.
    Haa igt pn "Never say NO to Panda" kalo x nnt i muncooonggg lg br tau wekk =p


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