Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Don't ever look back

"Don't ever look back"

Saw this on someone's status in Whatsapp, quite inspiring as it really hits me in the head. I admit I made mistakes and I try to correct it but I failed. I really want things back as usual but I have no idea on how to make it right. I would promise this time I will be more careful and never repeat it.

Nevermind I think I shall look forward, move on and keep walking. There is a quote I found and I like it so much that every time something holds me back, I would read it over and over again.

"If you can't fly then run,
If you can't run then walk,
If you can't walk then crawl,
You have to keep

*topic switch*

Today is my second day in Unit Restoratif, Klinik Pergigian Pandamaran. The surroundings may look antique with all the old furniture and machines but don't underestimate the staffs. They are super super awesome! I love being here. I don't mind if I were to be pulled to work here permanently. That is what being told by the specialist I am attaching to, I heard she will be transferred to Cheras and she wants me to go there? She said they have quarters for the staffs, something to be considered as this would be only time for me to spread my wings.

Today too an incident happened that is the clinic was flooded this morning due to the Primary Care staffs left the sink water not tighten. Here we have water problem, it seems that there is no water supply for a year but the water plays peek-a-boo where dental chair units has water. Strange isn't it? Due to the flood, the machines cannot be used to day so all the appointments were canceled so I can do what I want freely. So here come this post. I want to continue playing my Candy Crush Saga, see you around. Daa~

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Tuesday, 14th of May 2013 had been a grey, dull, quiet, empty day for me as I myself don't know what is bothering me. I feel I need support perhaps someone could say everything will be OK and fine. What am I thinking?

Dear brain, please stop thinking. I don't want to be a hardthinker again, it is so hurtful to be so. Calm down and everything will be fine. If only my heart could listen, only if.

Mengapa hatiku sangat berat? Jarang sekali berasa begini, macam ada bad instinct tapi so far semua baik-baik saja. Sebak dan sayu sekali rasanya bagai ada perkara buruk akan berulang.

Wahai hati, jangan terlalu emosi nanti parah padahnya. Berbahagialah berpada-pada, nanti jatuh tersungkur tak dapat diselamatkan lagi sakit nanti.

I don't know what am I typing either, I just feel something is not right somewhere but I cannot figure it out what is it. Save me!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Di Sebalik Tirai Cinderella

Today my post will be in Bahasa Malaysia so just bare with it yea, inilah jadinya bila angin kus-kus datang hahaha.

Ini adalah tentang diriku, Cinderella walaupun tak seperti Cinderella mana pun, cuma bab CURFEW pukul 12 tengah malam sahaja yang membuatkan aku menjadi Cinderella. Kadang-kadang aku tak rasakan seperti kesayangan keluargaku, tindak tanduk mereka kadang-kadang menunjukkan aku seperti paling disayangi dalam keluarga. Pelik kan?

Seingat aku bila dah berumur xx sekarang ini aku dah boleh mengecapi kebebasan tetapi mengapa keadaan berubah sebaliknya? Aku juga ingin meluangkan masa lapangku bersama dengan kawan-kawan walaupun bukan setiap hari. Aku ingin menonton wayang, bercuti, bowling, membeli belah, karaoke dan sebagainya. Adakah sebab aku dikongkong maka aku mula ingin memberontak?

Ya Allah, hindarilah hati ini dari melakukan perkara yang tidak sepatutnya. Aku tak berniat ingin memberontak tetapi amat merimaskan jika menerima panggilan telefon bertubi-tubi walaupun jam belum menunjukkan detik 12 tengah malam dan yang terpenting aku belum melebihi waktu curfew Cinderella.

Aku sudah bekerja, boleh menjaga diri sendiri insyaAllah. Tolong layan aku dengan sewajarnya, niatku bukan ingin membantah cuma berikan sedikit kelonggaran dalam hidup pun sudah memadai. Aku faham jika mereka risaukan tentang diriku bila berada di luar meskipun keadaan dunia yang penuh pancaroba dan tidak seselamat seperti zaman dahulu kala.

Yelah jadi Cinderella jugalah aku sekarang, di manakah Putera yang akan datang menjemput Cinderella ini? Bolehlah aku mengecap nikmat dunia bersama Putera itu. Hidupku ibarat kartun Cinderella yang wujud di dunia nyata.

Sekian sahaja warkah aku pada kali ini, hingga berjumpa di lain hari. Wassalam =)

Happy Birthday my dearest friend =)

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Somebody
Happy birthday to you!

Happy belated 26th birthday my dear. I hope you had a blast on your birthday on the 2nd of May and I know you did. You have marvelous companies around you and I am happy to see you happy. Although I feel a little sad that I cannot see your updates from afar anymore but it is OK. Actually I don't know why I was being treated that way?

Anyway, all the best in life. You are one of a kind and I miss you super duper much. I miss your warm hugs, our memories and every single moment we spent together. Nothing much to say as I always pray for your happiness, never I forget about you. Allah bless you! Take care always my dearest friend.
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