Friday, February 19, 2010

Facts & Reality

I'm afraid. What? It's not a joke, seriously.

F  A  C  T  S  &  R  E  A  L  I  T  Y  !

Recognize this word? Some people are scared of it.

A L  O  N  E  &  D  A  R  K  N  E  S  S  !

Another word that hurt people a lot, hundreds and thousands of them.

H  O  P  E  &  D  R  E  A  M  !

I hate it so much, made me feel that time pass so slowly.

B  O  R  E  D  O  M  &  P  L  A  I  N  !

They are the causal for lost of mood, every now and then.

C  O  N  F  U  S  I  O  N  &  S  T  R  E  S  S  !

Currently there are few things disturbing my mind, the problems are coming nearer and nearer day by day. I'm thinking too much about or whatever it is, I'M AFRAID! 

" Hold onto everything you can today, though there are plenty of people trying to take it from you. "

This quote says, you can protect everything from being taken by people but how if God is the one to take it from you? No matter what it takes, you have to let go. Letting go shows your strength in facing it rather than sounded like giving up. Am i right?

Tearing. Crying. Wishing. All doesn't help, acceptance is the best way. I don't know what to say, i'm just feeling that the time passes so slowly. Some of my beloved people just don't listen to what i said, how disappointing is that but i'm telling for your own good. Why can't you accept that? I love you people and that is why i'm so concern, can you just get that point out of everything?

I'm fragile, pretending to be strong. Glued the pieces of me, oh i wonder how long can this last. Hiding the sadness, smiling to the highest level of sincerity. Not letting anyone to dive into what's bothering me, through the eyes that can reveal anything.

Hey my beloved friends, i'll be meeting you guys tomorrow. Dress well and have fun, see you! At last i get a day to celebrate my own birthday, so many days of belated. Haha

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