The last day of 2009 falls on a Thursday which i still have class until 5pm sharp, nobody have the mood to do anything that we did everything lazily and slowly. When the clock strikes 5pm everyone started chitchatting and buzzing around talking about where they will be for countdown, i had a last minute plan though.
I celebrated New Year's Eve at The Curve, with concerts and performances and also FIREWORKS (my favourite part). I was awake from 6am on that 31st of December 2009 until 1130am of 2nd January 2010 but was away from home 630am which i left house for class until 1130pm of New Year's Day only i'm back home, couldn't tell how much i was tired and whole body aching. This is my 1st celebration without my parents, did not go home either. It was a blast to start my new year that way, i like it!

clappers for cheer

full moon on a New Year
I spent quality times with Zahidah, all the updating about ourselves already completed. Now waiting for Capak's turn, such a busy man hari-hari pun ada hal.
After class went to Za's room to freshen up, leave college to have dinner at Italiannies The Curve. Actually we wanted to enter the celebration in Laundry Bar but we thought of walking around the area first before coming back, but we had forgotten about it since both of us were so excited to be in the front row of the concert there. Asked people around, FAIZAL TAHIR will be performing! Apa lagi,for sure me the fanatic fan of him won't move from where we are.

Za usha-ing someone? haha

"Anybody knows him?", Za asked.

host of the night, Joey & Kylie

Black Mentor & Meet Uncle Hussein

Vic Teo


Faizal Tahir
The celebration was shown live in TV3 and 8TV, my parents were not home if i was to inform them to see me. Nevermind, they went dating under the fireworks in Shah Alam it seems. So cute! Good also that we're not together, i've always been the lamp post. Hahaha
So funny, every restaurant taking their chances to obtain maximum profits from the New Year event. Imagine, we only can eat for 1 hour which is called "the grace period". Smart them, that means more people can eat there.
Zahidah and me stood from 830pm to 1230am, with the wind blowing softly so it's not a bad night. The best part i don't sweat, good! No masam-masam, hahaha. Enjoying the whole concert, i'm with my Baby Darth capturing all the moments when the artists were on stage. I also recorded a video of the fireworks, too afraid to miss it that i did not stop the video to snap photos. Fireworks are just so precious to me, i'm willing to do anything to watch it the closer the better. I just love it!
I caught FAIZAL TAHIR'S WRISTBAND when he threw it, was shocked actually. I shivered in disbelief, wondering am i that lucky? Fuuh, a few people around me asked me to open my bag if the band accidentally get into my bag. Dream it, gila apa?

his wristband, what am i going to do with it now?
After that we went to Rasta, one of Za's friend joined us there for supper. So packed, lucky me that we get a place to sit. Talking and talking, sending forwarded messages to wish Happy New Year, eating, looking around for someone i may know, brain thinking on who to disturb at 3am in the morning. I decided to call Feeq since he always finishes his work about this time, again lucky me he doesn't mind coming to Damansara to join us lepak.
From Rasta, we drove to Pizza Hut Taman Tun waiting for him to go to Kota Damansara. All 4 of us had a drink in mamak, 530am all surrender and we went back. I had my night in UM after so long, it has been 2 years that i never stayed in a hostel.
The next day i woke up at about 12pm, waiting for Za to be awake. She woke up at 2pm, i'm already hungry. We wanted steamboat but all avaible only at dinner time, so planned to go Souled Out. Unfortunately it's closed and will open only at 6pm, drove around Mont Kiara finding any non-rice lunch. Nothing nice, we went to Hartamas Shopping Centre. Both of us were attracted with this pizza place named "Sure Pizza", something different. The cook is an Italian, he cook every dish himself just with some helpers. To our wonders, why isn't there any Malaysian entering. We saw only Italians, is there Italian community in Hartamas? Walking in the mall, first time being there. I saw Paris Hilton and J.Lo handbagsss~ Seriously pretty, how to persuade dad? Put on my thinking cap, ideas pleasie.

decoration @ Hartamas Shopping Centre

Sure Pizza
the Italian cook


Za had something on at her granny's house that is why we can't stay long, i sent her back to UM before her parents picked her. My Omnia was out of battery, i went to The Gardens earlier to charge my phone at Samsung Centre. While waiting for it to be charged, jalan-jalan dalam Isetan and surveying some lappy. Hehe

The Gardens from 3rd floor
About 1 hour later went to take my Omnia back and then to GSC Signature to kacau Feeq, hehe. We sat at Caro Cafe inside GSC, updating about each other and window shopping finding for a blue kemeja for himself before having late dinner at Delicious. Big portion, slowly we finished it. He intended to buy a DSLR too, best la ada gang baru to photoshoot. Testing-testing Baby Darth, seronok pula dia. Snap here snap there, he is talented quick learner.

1, 2, 6 are my favourite numbers coincidently

lights @ Delicious

he always say he doesn't have enough photo

reflection of the mirror @ Seed
Dah makan, 1030pm all shops closed. Tak kisah, photo-photo juga. Here and there, all reflective items we tried to capture. I left Mid Valley at 11pm, it was raining so have to drive slow. When i reached home konon nak online lagi, baru log in dah pengsan. Haha, that's all folks!
Today is a lazy day, bangun pagi to makan then sleep again. Woke up in the evening to eat and sleep again, lastly woke up yang i didn't sleep back at 6pm. Everybody is just so lazy, Mom, Dad and me had Maggi for dinner due to the lazyness to go out or even cook. All of us were just too tired of enjoying, surrender~
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