Semester break is over, well it is time to wake up from dreaming away and enjoying life like nobody's business. First week as a so-called newbee to classes was filled with jetlag-ness since Monday due to deprivation of sleep waking up about half day earlier than i used to during the holidays, THREE marvelous holidays that Mama said i'm crazy enough to be admitted into Tanjung Rambutan for lepak-ing and merayap 20 days out of 23 days in total. that means i'm at home only for THREE miracle days? Hahaha, Mama should tell me that she missed me being at home making some noise here there at home. Tak payah la perli-perli kan =p
The last THREE days that i remembered i sempat went to Genting Highlands, an unplanned one that we couldn't find for early departure bus tickets. So my cousin drove us there, not far actually. Maybe can just drive there to do some scenery photoshoot with my Baby Darth, it will have lots of rest under my bed from now on. For the first time in my life i went to Genting not entering the theme park instead of exchanging it with the buffet at Coffee Terrace, end up bloated full that we're so full to walk. Suddenly outside on the road there's a train-like touring gerabak so we took that tawaf whole Genting, thick fog and cold air increase our tendency to be sleepy. Fun~
lighted-well snowman @ Genting Highlands
Merry Christmas
afro-ness by us
@ Coffee Terrace
good job Baby Sony, Baby Darth did not follow
Second last day, hang out at KLCC and One Utama searching for my Baby Darth's accessories. Seriously i'm so addicted in collecting stuff related to my hobby that will make my Baby Darth more valuable, more powerful actually. Haha

@ One Utama
Last day, watched New Moon for the THIRD time. No matter what i'll still choose Edward Cullen, i just don't know why people change their mind for choosing Jacob in this series. For me, once i've chose means that is it till the end. This can be relate to my attitude of difficult in letting go, i guess my best friends have most of the words on this. Right people?
Month of December, every Friday tends to be a public holiday. Total of FOUR Fridays off, how nice if it continues for the whole year or even forever. No more weekdays from Monday to Friday, hahaha.
For Christmas, we can see most of the malls having their decorations up but as you can see compared to other festive season it's kind of unfair that Christmas always have the nicest prop. Anyway no offence, i like to see it. I don't mind going to each malls just to enjoy the spectacular settings, i love the rainbow colors chosen. I had been to Mid Valley, KLCC, One Utama, The Curve, Aeon, Genting Highlands, Sunway Pyramid, and tomorrow to Alamanda perhaps.
Oh ya before i forget, tomorrow is Awal Muharram. Don't forget to recite the doa akihr tahun and doa awal tahun wahai my Muslim friends. By then, have fun and take care!
* I noticed there's lots of number THREE in this post, hmm.
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