I normally will be a hardthinker whenever i'm alone, or when i don't have anything to do. That's the time all sorts of stuff came into mind.
Lately i was so busy with classes, & cos of it i lepak2 less with my besties. What to do, it's my future. How i wish i have more time, like 36 hours per day? Haha =p
How i wish i could :
- meet my besties more often, lepak2 chitchat2 & gelak2 sampai lebam. Unfortunately i don't have time, not them
- karaokeee! Need it badly, almost 2 months i haven't do this stress-releasing activity
- find a clingy partner maybe? Nah, just kidding. I just wish for my friends not to be super stressed up, if not i'll feel empty cos they will need some time alone. It worries me u know
Nothing else i think, so far this is the only things i remember. I wish to see them A.S.A.P. !!
my favourite AIMAN & HANIS

cool buddy ADRIAN
cheerful SADRU & ZA

the photographer AYLEVE & JOEY
Actually my life is basically filled with them and few others without photos, too shy to be in front of the camera. Sorry to Capak! Tu la selalu taknak photo see what happened now, hahaha. Not to forget to those who come & go in my life, i do appreciate u people. Remember all my important friends, u are so important to me. Love all of u. Peace~